She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Heavy Purse = Light Heart?

Let it be known, I have a magical Mary Poppin's purse full of everything.
Also let it be known that my left shoulder is permanently crippled from carrying that bad boy around all day.

This was evidenced when, at my bachelorette party, we played the 'guess what's in the bachelorette's purse' game. Twenty minutes later, I was still pulling out first aid kits and road trip games from my bag. I think the final tally was over 50 items, but some were combined for time/sanity's sake.

I guess what I'm saying is that this propensity to carry everything I could possibly need over the course of a day can be considered both a blessing and a curse.

A blessing because I am able to maintain my 'favorite aunt status' with a fresh supply of Ice Breakers Sours and a curse because it requires a forklift to be transported.

The good news is, I've recently developed a system that allows me access to all of my essentials while at the same time sparing my poor arms. It called the 'take the blasted thing with you but leave it in the car' theorem.

It works rather remarkably actually.
I just stash the emergency items under the glove box and take only my wallet, keys and cell phone on my person. I'm calling it a big success. Probably the greatest success of 2012.

I've heard it said that a heavy purse makes a light heart. And I tend to agree if the heaviness in question is caused by large amounts of cash.

But in the same breath, wouldn't a debit card make just as light a heart?..
In which case, I proffer the idiom be changed to 'an unlimited debit card makes a light heart and a heavy purse should be left in the car'.

Catchy, isn't it.

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