She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cutie Babies

So here's the thing: oranges are good, but Cuties are better.
I'm addicted to those little things.

They're perfect in every way.
And I may or may not eat several of them every day.

Please say you've had a Cutie before because they are the best invention since sliced bread.

Actually, who says that 'sliced bread' is the epitome of invention awesomeness?.. Personally, I'd vote for tampons or toilet paper.

I mean sliced bread is great and all, but there is no way in heck I could have survived back in the olden days without feminine hygiene products.

But I seem to have gone off topic.
And probably not in an appetizing way...


My point being, Cuties are the best invention since tampons.
Take it or leave it.

Don't know what a Cutie is?
Basically, a baby orange.

Except much easier to peel, usually perfectly sweet and bite-sized.

And as if that weren't 'cute' enough, sometimes Cuties have Cutie BABIES.
I know... mind blown.

You know.
Like when you're eating an orange and discover an orange section that's smaller than the rest? Nestled in all cute and adorable like a little baby?

That, my friends, is a baby orange.
But a baby Cutie? Oh a baby cutie...

They're in a category all their own.

You can't help but smile when you find a baby Cutie.
Or at least I can't.

Kind of like how I can't help but smile knowing there are tampons in the world. *sigh* Yes, yes. Life is good.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Taco 'Bells & Whistles'

I've heard that some people can't handle retirement.
They've spent their entire lives filling their days with specifics tasks. And when all of that goes away, they don't know what to do with themselves.

I guess I can say the same about my 'semi-retirement'.
I really did have full intention of letting my blogging phase die out.

But I just can't do it apparently, because today I had another "I should blog this" moment again. It's a bit ridiculous how they're starting to pop up at such a rapid pace.

I guess that's what happens when you become so adept at your job that you finish eight hours of work in five and you have to find a way to fill that spare time somehow. (And NO Gem, I don't take a nap.)

Anyways... the blog moment for today revolves around Taco Bell and my addiction to the newly returned Beefy Crunch Burrito.

That thing is freakin' delicious and only $.99 my friends.
I'm generally not a spicy fan, but it has the perfect cheese to beef to sour cream to Flamin' Hot Fritos proportion.

And don't forget the Crispy Potato Soft Taco.

No one seems to know about this little guy and it's an absolute travesty because it is just so gosh darn good.

And as if I could forget my newest obsession, the plain ole' Chicken Burrito.

'Plain ole'' used loosely here to mean 'absolutely fantastic'.

I used to take Taco Bell for granted. Sad but true.
I thought it was entirely inferior to Taco Time and their crispy burritos.

But, oh, I've changed my ways.
Lesson learned. Course corrected.
I won't make that mistake again.

Because everyday, I find myself craving some more deliciousness wrapped in a warm flour tortilla.

Speaking of which, it is most definitely lunchtime.
And I'm making' a bee-line for the Bell.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Earning his Stripes.

Well, it's happened.

I've had one of those "I should blog this" moments again.
A lot sooner than I thought I would, to tell you the truth.

And it was a particularly gooey one too.
Not gooey-peanut butter-gooey.

Regarding the BF.

This sentiment is not usually expressed online in general.
But after he posted a video clip to my Facebook timeline with the caption "I thought you might like this. :)" to which he was *sarcastically* remanded for his inappropriate-ness, I figured what the heck.

He's the bestest, no lies.
Because one time I mentioned I needed a new little sketchbook for my purse, because I'd filled the last one right up. And he listened.

Remember how I posted I have an affinity for all things zebra?..
Well the BF did, because last week, he presented me with this little beauty.

Well... something similar to this little beauty.
An Internet image search replica will have to do for now seeing as I left my camera with the actual notebook in my purse and my purse in my car and my car in the parking lot.

Speaking of which, I hope no one steals it. Meaning my camera.
Or my purse.

And especially not my car, although who knows why they would.

And I really, really hope they don't steal my little zebra sketchbook.
Because I love that little thing.

And the person who gave me it. :)


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