She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Is it just me, or have common text acronyms such as 'lol' lost their original meaning an/or context?

I mean, for me at least, 'lol' has changed from meaning 'lots of laughter' or 'laughing out loud' to 'I find that slightly amusing'. Of course, LOL still means I'm dying from hilarity, but you get my point.

And why do some people insist on writing in all caps

Are they literally yelling non-stop? Because that cannot be good for the throat. That or their keyboard is broken, in which case, I'd think they'd refrain from posting comments on Facebook until it was repaired.

Either way, it's annoying.

But it's ridiculous how many text and chat acronyms there are now. I thought I knew most of them until I moved in with Lacy-Hacy.

That girl has introduced me to a great many new things...
My mom is concerned.

One of which being SOL. (Sh** out of luck. Surely, if you're ladylike.)
Am I the only one who had no idea what this means?...

Likewise with SSDD. (Same sh**, different day.)
You can tell she has a favorite swear.

But you can make any phrase into an acronym, really. Don't know why you would want to, it would probably create unnecessary confusion. But still.

For instance, typing IRBAWAWTEAC is surely not as effective as just saying 'I'm really bored at work and want to eat a corndog'. But some people are just addicted, I guess. I figure they figure it's easier to say 'lol' when they have nothing to say than to say nothing at all.

I'm more of a proponent of not saying anything unless you have something worth saying. But I dunno... whatever floats your boat.

In any case,

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