I was organizing my Hotmail inbox today (Yes, email organization can and SHOULD be a top priority. 10,000 undeleted emails in your junk folder is unacceptable people.) and came across a bucket list draft that I created a year ago tomorrow.
Funny how things resurface like that.
And also spooky..
Needless to say, I was surprised at how many I'd accomplished in such a short period of time. And because I want to remember what I've done and also keep track of what I want to do in the future, I'm going to post the entire thing. That way, you can hold me to my word.
And also mock me for the silly things I consider meaningful.
So here it is, my life's ambition.
Or at least part of it.
Aside from my newest goal: to spend an entire day in my pajamas locked up in my apartment watching old musicals and eating take-out.
#1 Visit an honest-to-goodness ghost town.
Okay, so I've 'kind of' done this, because I've been to Grafton, UT which is actually pretty legit. My nephew ate some of the dirt at the cemetery which probably explains a lot about the kid, but I digress. The point is, I want to visit some more. Like a lot more.
#2 Go to Lagoon.
Up until this summer, I had never been to Lagoon. I know, I know. You can stop gaping now. I was a homebody who felt ill at the thought of traveling more than twenty miles away from her mother all throughout high school and a portion of college, okay!? Just know that I've been. And LOVED it.
#3 Skydive?...
The delusional Corinner-Elly must have written this in a moment of extreme craziness, but alas. What's typed is typed. Sounds like a great idea considering how much I love being airsick and heights...
#4 See Paris.
I came SO CLOSE to crossing this one off the list. It's still kind of a sore spot. I go all the way to Europe for an entire month and miss out on the one place I really wanted to see. Mark my words, this will happen. Someday.
#5 Visit famous corndog stands.
I knew you were waiting for a reference to either corndogs or bacon. Well here it is. Let it be known that I am addicted to them. So much so, that last night during our pillow talk, I told the husband, "If my love were a corndog, it would be a foot-long." Judge me if you will.
#6 Learn to play the piano again.
Don't tell my mother, but quitting piano lessons was a big mistake. And I regret it. Future children: don't give up no matter how much you hate counting!! And hiding behind the furniture when I call you to come practice will not work. I invented that trick.
#7 See an opera.
What other chance will I have to wear my fancy opera-ish clothes?..
#8 Buy a new car.
As much as I love driving a vehicle that was brand new when I was four-years-old, I hope to eventually earn an upgrade. Please oh please make it soon.
#9 Try to water ski/wake board.
You see, I write this as I'm comfortably seated at my dry office chair, but when it comes down to it, being pulled behind a speeding watercraft in the hopes that I don't biff fantastically and skip across the frigid water like a skipping stone doesn't really appeal to me, per say.
#10 Shoot a rifle.
Completed!! Or at least, I think completed?.. All I know is that I shot a really loud, long gun thingy with the husband and his cousins one time. My real ambition should probably be 'learn how to decipher what a rifle is/looks like'.
#11 See New York.
I want to know if it's really like it is in the movies. Because I hear there are, like, thirty Ray's Pizzas and they all claim to be the original. But the real one's on 11th. And if you see a sign that says "Peep Show", that doesn't mean that they're letting you look at the new toys before Christmas.
#12 Go on a cruise.
I hope (fingers crossed) to have this one completed in December. When planning our honeymoon, the husband said he'd rather take one in the winter months, when a getaway to warmer weather is more appreciated. So I'm holding him to his word.
#13 Get married :P.
What a fickle thing fate is. I fully expected this to be the LAST thing I checked off my list. And here I sit, married. For almost two months. Curiouser and curiouser.
#14 Have twins.
I don't care what you say, I do. Being a twin is the greatest thing ever. Second only, according to my mom, to having twins yourself. I've also convinced the husband that it wouldn't be so bad (Score!). He, however, draws the line at triplets. I then explained that it's actually up to him...
#15 Own a small business.
We're talking comparable to an Etsy shop here. Anything bigger takes a lot of initiative and personal motivation. Two things I had when deciding to graduate with an interior design emphasis. I've since realized that I'd rather not be the boss. For the most part.
#16 Hike a mountain.
Okay, someone must have really hacked my list, because this sounds like something I'd never say in a thousand-million-bajillion years. So stop trying to be a hero, self, because this ain't going to happen. At least not willingly.
#17 Eat something exotic.
Up until recently, I considered 'elk' to be exotic. But you'll be happy to hear that I've since expanded my tastes to baby octopuses and buffalo meat. Applaud now.
#18 Record a song.
I've always found it fascinating to contemplate whether or not singers actually know what they sound like to everyone else. Because the voice I hear inside my head is certainly not the same one I hear in video recordings. (Am I really that whiny?..)
#19 Sew a wedding dress.
Okay, so I chickened out on this one. But I did make my wedding cake?.. And we all know how well that turned out.
#20 Learn to drive a stick shift.
It's a dying art. And I just know someday I'll be in a situation where it will be required and I will be endlessly embarrassed.. Who's offering to be my instructor?
#21 Have a 'Chopped' competition.
The husband and I love that show. We're practically professional food critics by now. So one of these days, we're going to organize a massive group date where each couple is given three or four ingredients and told to create a tasty and original masterpiece. We're going to school the competition.
#22 Spend an entire day at Epcot.
I've only been there once, and our time was hurried. But it was seriously amazing! I want to just meander from country to country and soak in every tiny detail. Tasting all the delicious food wouldn't be too bad either.
#23 Milk a cow.
I'm convinced that I'd get it my first try. It can't be that difficult, can it?
#24 Go on a motorcycle ride.
No, husband, this does NOT give you permission to purchase one. I'd rather be unfulfilled and alive than fulfilled and dead. (And technically I did ride my brother's bullet bike when I was like seven, so mission completed.)
#25 Have at least 100 blog followers.
Hint, hint. Spread the word.
#26 Use a bidet.
Call me crazy, but I'm extremely intrigued.
#27 Learn origami.
Or at least how to make a decent paper airplane.
#28 Pick blueberries.
Preferably in a sun dress with matching hat and basket. There should probably be a kitten pouncing around my feet as well. Why not include a little theatrics?..
#29 Be on TV.
This should be completed on September 11th with the DVD release of The Last Eagle Scout. I was an extra and it was epic. Meaning: it took freaking forever and we hardly did anything. But there was tasty food and silly boys for company. And also, production lasts a long time.
#30 Ride a horse carriage around Temple Square.
Don't judge. I know it's ridiculous and touristy, but it's been on every bucket list I've ever made since I was five. I know full and well, the moment I do, I'll wish I hadn't and spend the whole ride feeling silly, but the appeal is still there. For some strange reason.
#31 Dive head first off a cliff.
I saved this one for last. Because it is how I will die.
That is, unless some other hairbrained idea I include in my ill-fated bucket list doesn't kill me off first.