She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

There's No 'There', There.

Is it possible to have a semi-photographic memory?...
Because if it is, then I think I have one.

Or maybe I just have a normal memory like everyone else.
When people remember things, don't they see them in their mind almost exactly as they saw them in real life? Like the arrangement of words on a paper or the placement of things in a drawer?

And if that's true, don't we all have (at least to some degree) a photographic memory?

Most of the time, I can picture exactly what I'm trying to remember. I mean, I can't recite back word-for-word everything I've ever read but, take for instance, yesterday I wrote an entire blog post which, to my horror, didn't save properly.

I went through the stages of grief rather quickly. Shock, pain, anger, depression and finally acceptance.

At first, my 'acceptance' equated to giving up and cursing life.
But then I decided to cry me a river, build a boat, get over it and just write the dang thing again.

Thank you Natalie Dee.

To my amazement, I quickly re-wrote the whole post almost word for word.
In fact, I think my second draft was even a bit better.

I was rather shocked at my ability to remember the order of topics I had discussed and even the same phraseology that I had used.

But I suppose not everyone can do that.
Because, apparently, even using a turn signal throws some people for a loop.

And I find myself quoting Scar from The Lion King in his declaration, "I'm surrounded by idiots..." far too often these days.

It's settled. I've come to the conclusion that everyone has a photographic memory. Some people just don't have any film.


Vee said...

Toby has PLENTY of film!!

Corinner-Elly said...

Haha. That's an understatement!


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