She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Ah, Young Love. How it Makes Me Want to Hurl.

Is it just me or are most 'newly married' blogs usually annoying and/or boring?...

I can't tell you how many times I've read the 'this blog is like my journal!' or 'I want my family to be able to read back on my life to remember me better' sentiments. But all I see is 'I plan to be lame for the next 2,000 posts'.

Yet I still follow them, hoping that eventually they'll write something worth reading.

And sometimes, they do. But it's stuffed between so many freakin' pictures, that I give up before I can even get there. Isn't that what Facebook photo albums are for?... Not to mention the countless hours they, no doubt, spent uploading each individual file, one... by... one...

Whenever I write a blog post, I try to find a corresponding picture or comic to go along with the content. I'm more of a 'less is more' proponent when it comes to posting pictures.

And I'm not saying that my blog is always perfectly entertaining or that the pictures are always top notch. What I AM saying is that I try to make it more than a glorified scrapbook.

Because if I have to scroll through one more photo of you and your 'hubby' at Bear Lake, I'm going to gouge my eyes out.

I don't know why some couples think they have to document every trip they've ever made on their 'family' blog. It's dumb, I say.

I would much rather read funny stories or important news about their relationship. Seeing posts about 'another fun weekend :):):)' makes me want to die.

I think, instead, I'll just stick with other hilarious blogs.
That way I won't have to worry about 187 pictures of their new love labradoodle.

My favorites lately are:
As always, Hyperbole and a Half,

The Oatmeal,

Toothpaste for Dinner,

and Natalie Dee.

Naturally, you're free to decide which blogs you want to read.
I'm just putting out there that some are more nauseating than others.


Falling Stars said...

Aren't you so glad that, instead of posting gooey love pictures, I opt to not post at all?! ;)

P.S. Your blog makes me happy.

Corinner-Elly said...

Yes. And no. But yes?... haha.

P.S. The fact that you READ my blog makes me happy. :)


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