She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tomato, Tomahto. Potato, Potahto. Let's call the Whole Thing off.

Isn't it interesting how we all say words differently?
And when I say 'interesting' I mean 'irritating'.

Because if you're a baby then everything sounds cute.

Take 'pretzel' for example. Since when is a pretzel a 'prenzel'?

How about when we omit whole letters entirely?
Because, let's face it people, 'Uge' and 'Uman' are not words.

Show 'H' a little respect.

But speaking of pretzels, here's a batch I whipped up yesterday for a game night. I served them with a sweet mustard sauce.
Boy Howdy were they tasty, and a hit if I do say so myself.

'What's my secret?', you say?

Why, love. Of course.
And when I say 'love' I mean lots of butter and brown sugar.

The picture doesn't really do them justice...

Okay. They looked exactly like that but I had some help from an inexperienced twister.

You know who you are.

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