She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Monday, May 24, 2010

The way I keep my pinkie up indubitably proves...

Tell me this.
Why are the petite peoples of the world so harassed?
My coworkers and I have recently been discussing the matter.

If I want to hold my pinkie up while drinking a glass of water, who's to say I can't? Or shouldn't for that matter?

Or when I'm eating my sack lunch and feel so inclined as to hold, heaven forbid, both pinkies up.
Is this against moral code?

No, I say!
Dainty people of the world UNITE!

We must learn from the example of my sister-in-law who recently taught her daughters that even mowing the lawn can be enhanced by a 'pinkies-up, bum-out & swagger' approach.

So to all you who dare to be elegant. Bravo.
Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.
And if they persist in bullying you,

Just flip em' the pinkie.

(Before I forget, look what I finished. It's my birthday gift to me. I'm so happy...)

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