She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


What I learned today:
There's always a reward for every good deed.

Like that time when I finally vacuumed out my car after months of neglecting shameful crumb build-up and found a perfectly good, un-opened fortune cookie under the seat.


Unfortunately, this also works in reverse.

Like when my car increasingly became harder and harder to start until finally... it didn't.


Is this karma or something?
Am I being punished for crashing that Seven Peak's Waterpark activity that wasn't technically for my stake!?!

Come on! There was plenty of pizza to go around...

But, ya know what?
I had a hero come to my aid. I'm just that lucky.

He may not be faster than a speeding bullet, but he's still Superman to me.

So Daddy...
Remember when you let me drive your car to high school almost everyday and didn't even flinch when I had a few parking lot mishaps? (All, not my fault. Just so you know.)

And then, remember how you let me take that car to college, year after year after year even though I'm sure it was a major inconvience to you and Mom?

Remember those times when I hauled it back to the house so that you could change the oil or check the tire pressure on a car that you never got to drive and yet still paid insurance for?

To make matters worse, remember that time I called you to report that said car had run out of gas because I had mistakenly trusted that, at some point, the gas light should/would turn on?

And then as if that weren't enough, remember when it broke down on Center Street, a block from where you were peacefully working and I immediately called you?

Because I knew you'd do anything for me?


Remember when, you instantly dropped all of the important things you were doing and came to my rescue?

Remember how it took you minutes to determine what was wrong but still gave two do-gooder auto mechanics, who happened to be passing by, the opportunity to voice their opinion (meaning, bang around in the engine for a minute), fully knowing that you had far more experience/expertise in the matter?

Remember how you had all of the tools on hand and knew exactly what to ask for at Checker Auto Parts to finish the job?

Remember how said part cost a good chunk of cash, as in, I may have to donate plasma to cover the loss?

Remember how you lied on a dirty street under a filthy car in your nice work clothes to make the repair?

Remember how you got dirt flecks in your hair, grease stains under your fingernails and ruined a brand new shirt?

Remember how, as if anything could have gotten worse, it started raining and you laughed at me when I whipped out an umbrella to hold over us both because I am just that prepared?
(I am my father's daughter you know. :D)

Remember how the whole process required you to take a three hour lunch break?

Remember how you're the best dad in the history of the whole, wide world?

I Do.
And I'll never forget.


Katie said...

You pretty much just made me cry a lot. Good work. :)

JimmyD said...

Katie - are you pregnant?

Phyllis said...

James... remember how just last night at dinner you told Toby it is never okay to ask any lady if she is pregnant?

Katie said...

Um...How many people named Katie follow this blog???

No, I am not pregnant.

Does that mean I am not a Lady?

And why does everyone check this blog in the middle of the night?

Corinner-Elly said...

Hehehe. Katie, (Katie Fullmer that is...) welcome to the peanut gallery that I call family. :D

P.S. You're still a lady in my book.

P.P.S. Phyllis and JimmyD live in England so technically it's morning for them. fyi. :)

Shauna said...

Hey, I am the lucky one married to that guy. Good Choice!!!!

Ann said...

I agree one hundred and fifty percent!!! (With what Corin said that is)

Alese said...

Bo daddy Bo -Corrina Corrina (didn't think I'd catch that one did ya?? ;) )


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