She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


I feel as though I need to relate what rooming with my sister is really like. Correction. I feel like I need to relate what life in general with my sister is really like. I'm relatively positive that you may pity/envy/laugh at/pray for me.

To to live the true to life experience, here's what you need to do.

To begin, imagine this running through your mind, countless times a day and possibly throughout the night:


Next, sit down at your computer and blurt out an email like this:

"So I've decided that I am so bored at work all day that you have to write me at least 4 entertaining emails (one for each hour). Since you were not informed of this until now I will just have to write you one first. Be prepared for the most funny, BE-dazzling, AWEsome, CREAtive, UN-ENDing, GLORIFIED LIST OF QEUSTIONS 'O' LONGNESS (that you need to answer back or there might or might not be a bush in your bed or die in your shampoo! MUAhahah... well that might not work to well because you use my shampoo don't you...) What should I make for dinner since you won't be home until 7:00?? And... What time does the dance start on Friday?? And... is there anything going on Saturday that I forgot about?? And... Is Alese sleeping over this weekend?? And... Are you going out to moms house on Friday?? And... When is Talera's birthday?? And... What did you get her for a present?? And... I should have gotten that hat for her for her birthday?? And... I know that really wasn't a question and neither is this one but I cant lose the format?? And... So with those raises how much do you make now?? And... Ashlee was telling me the other day that she found a picture that you drew that other day and was laughing so hard the she couldn't tell her boyfriend why it was so funny, so i was wondering if you remember the picture, she said something about a barbie and a ken with chickens in the trees :P?? And... Do you use my shampoo? Because I don't see any for you?? And... guess who just walked into my office.... Jim Farnsworth?? And... There was just a weird bug running across my desks that is gross and It freaked me out so i covered it with a lid, and then.... he smooshed it with his fingers! Gross, huh?? And... I am starting to run out of questions so I will let you know when I think of some... Love ya lots tater tots!"

If you haven't passed out (or passed away) by this point, as your last step, proceed to write a response. Something that might end up looking like this:

"So, um..., you're clogging up my inbox and that's not good, I'm pretty sure. Because you remember when my roommate clogged up the toilet freshman year and left it for later to fix? Remember how that was the grossest thing ever? I had to throw away the plunger. That's how bad it was. But back to the point, you're clogging up my inbox. Yes, your emails are like poop. But I love... your... poop? Is this entertaining enough for you? (Personally, I am disgrosting myself out. How's THAT for a phrase?) Know what else? You kinda got carried away with that list of adjectives. Because pretty sure 'qeustions' is not spelled like that... And then there were apostrophes everywhere and yah. I notice stuff like that. Well FRICK Gem. When are you and Alese going to realize that putting a brush in my bed isn't funny! I think that joke is dead by now! I mean dead, dead. And when you're dead, you're dead! But the other threat is valid, no matter which spelling you use. Because, as it stands, your email just told me that you were going to die in my shampoo (which is really your shampoo) so, correction: you are going to die in your shampoo and this will be punishment?... to me?... somehow?... I am assuming you meant 'dye' but for now it is just too visually entertaining to stop imagining. AND NOW I'M HYPERVENTILATING BECAUSE I JUST DISCOVERED THAT BIG BANG THEORY AND COMMUNITY ARE PREMIERING ON THE SAME NIGHT, AT THE SAME TIME ON TWO DIFFERENT CHANNELS!!! That's it. I died. I'm dead. Dig a hole and bury me...

But until you do, I guess I can finish this email. You should make quesadillas for dinner. And while you're doing that, don't forget your Thursday dutiesh. Shuch ash shaying everything with the 'sh' shound. Thanksh. But I guessh I have to follow my own rulesh sho... here it goesh. The dance shtartsh at eight on Friday but the food beforehand shtartsh at shix. Shix? Shix. I like shaying that word. Shaturday morning is the Wymount opening shocial, sho you should (that one doeshn't work. shadnessh. :( ) probably come and eat shome hot dogsh and ride Dad'sh train. Aleshe might be shleeping over, I don't know for shure. I think I'll go do shome laundry at mom'sh houshe Shaturday afternoon. Talera'sh birthday is Sheptember 23rd. You already know what I got her for a preshent. Sheesh. (Blasht! Another one!) And now, I'm tired of anshwering endlessh queshtions. Sho... too bad, sho shad.

P.Sh. I like your bug shtory. It made me laugh.

Shmell ya later!"

If you made it through this training, I now pat your head proudly and stick a big, shiny gold star on your forehead.

I've tried to describe such sisterly interactions to others before and sadly...

Not many have survived.


Alese said...

haha.. they just don't ever truly understand do they? ;)

Phyllis said...

Fun times! I want Gem to room with me! And you, too! You're like ying and yang. Except...I always thought you and Alese were ying and yang, so maybe the three of you are ying, yang, and ylang-ylang. Either way, you can all live here. Gem and I will be insane, you can sadly shake your head at us and return us to order... possibly with some freshly baked pretzels... and the Alese and I will eat said pretzels whilst bemoaning the state of the universe. I can see it all now....

Alese said...

That can't be Anastasia. She's dead. Dead Dead. :D

Brian said...

We're still waiting for Gem to come out to Georgia and make us quesadillas. She's a good little quesadilla maker. Can you box her up and ship her to Athens?? And then I'll forward her to England for Phyllis. Crap! I need to buy more packing peanuts!!


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