She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I just don't understand people.

One minute they're praising my detail oriented manner when it comes to wedding planning, the next they're teasing me for handing out aesthetically designed color swatches.

They come home to enjoy a newly cleaned kitchen then promptly mock my desire to rearrange the fridge and straighten the towels.

On occasion, they observe my pristinely folded drawers with admiration then criticize my innate desire to hang up the shirts they seemingly abandoned on the floor.

Even at work, the office manager introduces me as 'the clean one' then eyes me suspiciously as I pick up the tiny white circles that have escaped from the 3-hole punch by hand.

And to top it all off, I am frequently complimented on my perfectionist talents then unabashedly teased for using them.

I can't tell you how many times the topic of 'Corinner-Elly's idiosyncrasies' has come up at Sunday dinner. It is rivaled only by chicken horror stories and infamous acronymical nicknames given to axe wielding perpetrators.

No one complains when I pull 'whatever they are in desperate need of at the moment' from my Mary Poppins purse, but they are oh-so-quick to intentionally skew my neat stack of textbooks or plop a heaping mound of refried beans on my nicely cleaned plate.

Sorry bus-boy, I tried.

All I'm saying is that 'people' should be grateful that they don't have to pull nasty black hairs out of gobs of toothpaste that were formerly stuck to the bathroom counter.

Then conversations like this happen, and I start to lose faith in humanity.

False accusations, I tell you. 
I can guarantee that if the TP had indeed been gone, I would have replaced the roll. Come hell or high water, it would've been done.

Plus, she should be thanking me that I've taught her such valuable lessons such as 'shutting the shower curtain'! Not everyone has a sister that loves them that much.

Even the fiance acknowledged that it only took forgetting once to reform him. I'm that good of a teacher.

Now.. this all may come across as very condescending and/or hoity-toity, but I do it out of love, people. LOVE.

Here's the thing, I don't think my way is the ONLY way.
I just think their way is usually wrong.

I am more than happy to concede that there are other perfectly logically ways to do things. I just don't encounter very many people who are capable of  actually doing them well.

I repeat. Love.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Oh Yes I Did.

April 13th was 'National Scrabble Day'.
It's a sacrilege how few people know that.

I had planned to spend the evening playing a rigorous game of Scrabble Diamond Edition with the fiance (formerly referred to as the 'BF') and eating Scrabble Cheez-Its in celebration.

He, however, was subsequently invited to a Salt Lake Bee's game where he volunteered to dress up as a giant ice-cream cone and race a hot dog and a slice of pizza around the field.

Why?.. You might ask?
Beats me if I can think of a valid reason.

Let's just say he almost won. 'Almost' meaning he tripped during the final stretch, fell fantastically and lost to a hot dog. (He claims, in defense, that the hot dog had an unfair advantage, being more aerodynamic and all. And it's hard to see when you're a giant ice-cream cone. Apparently.)

It's a story that's best heard in person.
Ask him about it.

The point being, when I got back to an empty apartment that day, feeling a little sad that I was going to be all alone for the evening, I found a little surprise waiting for me on the kitchen table.

The fiance (BF at the time) had taken his enormous stash of miscellaneous Scrabble tiles, purchased for my Valentine's Day surprise, and left me a little message.

Let's just say he was immediately forgiven for deserting me on perhaps the greatest of unofficial holidays. And for causing me more mending work by ripping his pants in the 'Great Ice-Cream Cone Fiasco of 2012'.

Remember that. It's goin' down in history.

You might also remember the greatest thing I was ever given, FOR FREE. Namely, the world's comfiest couch.

So when I mentioned that I wanted to re-cover three of the pillows to look like Scrabble tiles but wasn't sure what letters to choose, the fiance exposed his genius and suggested his (and soon to be MY) last name.

And thus, the NAY Scrabble pillows were born.

Don't they look gorge!?
I know someone who uses this as a slang abbreviation for 'gorgeous'. Decided I'd try it out. See how it feels. (Update: I don't like it. Tastes like word vomit. 'Delete' from brain.)

Oh, and P.S. The Scrabble fridge tiles are still in good use.
And have expanded to include a :), :(, :P, ..., " and :D. Among other things.

Now spelling out happy little messages is a breeze!
Not to mention more grammatically correct.

So there you have it.
I'm obsessed with everything Scrabble.

Someone please buy me this.


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