She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Alive! It's Alive! It's ALIVE!

Ya know. I've seen a lot of crazy stuff in my time.

Sad thing is, due to corruption as a child, I have only recently started to notice that many of the things which I considered completely normal are now, in fact, labeled 'faux pas'.

For instance, in true 'You Might Be a Redneck' fashion, I have compiled a list of my most recent conclusions.


You might be from Lake Shore if:
  • You wear cowboy boots to church each Sunday. (If you're really slick, they match your 2,000 lb. belt buckle.)
  • You lick the spoon before sticking it back into the Nesquik so that it will be 'clean' for the next person. (We're just thoughtful like that.)
  • You say things such as "I seen you do it!", "Howdy ya'll." and "That thar' horse."
  • You serve old hot dog buns for dinner as a side. Which would normally be considered tacky except this time round they are toasted brown with Parmesan cheese and butter. Which of course = instant delicacy.
  • You encounter more roadkill on the way to work than fellow automobilers.
  • Instead of running to the grocery store when you're out of eggs, you check under a hen in the backyard.
  • Your five-year-old neighbor not only knows how to drive before you do, he handles heavy machinery/farm equipment on a daily basis.
  • You're (knowingly) married to your second cousin.
  • There are announcements in Relief Society regarding 'free zuchinni' practically every Sunday throughout the summer.
  • Your farmer's tan is so bad that people wonder why you're still wearing a t-shirt in the pool.
  • Each morning, you wake up to an honest-to-goodness rooster crow.
  • You read this list and relate.
But returning back to my original thought... (hence the title)

They LIVE!!!
(*victory dance*)

You bet against me bringing them back to life, didn't ya?
(No. *frightened nod*)
Aw. Tell your Corinner-Elly the truth. Aww, say it. Say it.
(I did.)
Yes. You made a boo-boo.
(*sobs* I did. I did!)
The Boo Box.
(Not the Boo Box. NOO!!!)

Yah. That's right.
Fear me and my mad skillz.

And yes.
I am from Lake Shore.

And I blog about gardening.


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