She goes around in circles 'til she's very, very dizzy.

Friday, July 30, 2010


The Ever Evolving List of Corinner-Elly's Pet Peeves, Part II.

#11- Nosey people.

If you stand behind me and watch everything I type one more time, I will kill you.

Yah. You read that right.

#12- Stray hair.

I cannot tell you how many times I've gotten into my car and shut the door only to find that I've been painfully immobilized due to strands of hair caught in the process.

But this pet peeve also has a double meaning.
Referring to those pesky little hairs that get caught on your sleeve towards the back of your arm and keep tickling it. Then, as if that weren't bad enough, you can't seem to grab them, no matter how hard you try!

Devilish little Harry Houdini hairs...

#13- Bad grammar.

Just today, I cringed as Dad told me of a fellow temple worker that he had shamelessly tortured upon finding out that he works as an English professor at BYU.

"How was your shift?", the man politely remarked while changing in the locker room.

"We done did gotter' done.", my dad smirked.

I'm sure it was like nails on a chalkboard to that poor guys ears.
I shuddered a little just typing it.

#14- Sporks.

They're neither spoon nor fork.
Practically traitors of silverware-kind!

#15- Ketchup addicts.

Would you like a little scrambled egg with that Ketchup?
French fry? Hashbrown? No?

Maybe you could just drink it straight from the bottle,
save us the hassle.

#16- Disorder.

Good-Golly-Miss-Molly! Push your chair back in!

Is it really so hard to simply return an item to its 'home' when you're done using it? It makes me cry to think of the hours of cleaning time that could be avoided if people would just take care of things as soon as they're done using them.

There is such a thing as 'cleaning as you go'. I am living proof.

#17- Litterers.

See above statement.

Just throw it in the trash can people.
Don't try to convince me that you're doing the homeless peoples of the world a service by leaving your half-eaten snow cone under a park bench.

#18- The word 'like'.

Because it's 'like' so totally 'like' impressive when you can 'like' make a sentence that 'like' describes how completely 'like' clueless you 'like' totally are.

(Yep. That's right. Due to its misuse, you are now required to say "I fancy you." instead of "I like you.". Tough luck.)

#19- Flakes.

Okay. Do NOT invite me to an activity that you won't be attending yourself! It's rude and I hate it!

Plus, me and the two other people that actually showed up will plot your demise.

#20- *Deaf* people.


"I said deaf people."


"Deaf-FFa. Pe-O-ple!"

The real kicker here is that most of the time, they're fakin' it.

If I'm feeling particularly vindictive, I'll test whether or not they really are hard-of-hearing or just habitually say "What?" to everything.

"Tell me what I just said.", I'll demand.

Surprisingly enough, 9 out of 10 times, they can.
No shocker there.

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